What happens when you take the service out of customer service

Isn’t it just sad how some successful businesses lose their chance of being successful in the long haul just because they’re over confident about their current success?

Let me be more explicit.

Over the weekend I went with some friends to a restaurant by the seaside, apparently a quite famous one in the area. The place was busy and at first glance, the dishes looked delicious. I noticed that behind us another couple were also waiting at an empty table. Meanwhile, we hadn’t realized how 15 minutes passed and nobody showed up to at least hand us a menu. Surprisingly, the couple was still in the same boat with us.

We fetched some sighs, lifted our hands in the air, yet nothing. Eventually, one waiter approached our neighbours’s table, and then we called him, he looked at us and made a regretful pitiful face as in “it’s complicated, too many people, hopefully I get to you soon”. That face was just what we needed to stand up and leave.

I’ve seen this careless attitude before, this “we’re famous, they can wait.”

Sooner or later people will stop waiting and no matter how good the food is, we’ll remember the way we were attended, the time it took and all the details in the middleor is it just my imagination?