The 7th day should be for rest and reflection

I was thinking to bake a cake on a Sunday afternoon, while I was watching a movie with my husband, while the kids were sleeping. I love baking and I love me some good cake to share with my tribe.. But is it necessary? I stopped and listened to my train of thoughts.

Why interrupt that moment of rest with something I could do on any other day?

In Romania, among orthodox, there is a very orthodox opinion about Sundays, following a Christian principle: don’t bake, don’t clean, don’t wash clothes, simply put, don’t work. Sundays are for rest. I grew up seeing members of my extended family living by this rule. I, personally, have been more of an observant.

Here I am, years after, keeping myself busy with random activities on almost every Sunday, with the silly excuse I don’t have time on other days. I know for a fact I am not the only one, which makes me wonder: could it be that we don’t know how to rest? The excuses are many: lack of time, deliberately avoiding to rest because stopping makes one think beyond their routine; being in the moment can be scary because it might bring to surface unexpected/undesired truths. Some people find their worthiness in keeping themselves busy, so they rush and rush..I kind of tick all of them.

I came to realize on that Sunday afternoon that it’s all about slowing down. One day a week. One Sunday at a time. Nothing more. Is that a lot to ask of ourselves? Some people do it effortlessly. I don’t. I gotta train myself to stop doing and start being. Rest, reflect, breathe. I’m sure this ancient knowledge it’s been around for a good reason.