Letter to Santa Claus

Dear Santa,

My name is Di. You probably remember me. I stopped writing you when I turned 8. It was then I found out that you actually exist. Meanwhile I grew up and I’ve been told I grew stronger (although I don’t eat as much spinach as Popey does who is really strong). I know that this year is different, and that it’s harder for you to travel because of this global crisis. I don’t know what this global crisis is all about, but I can hear my father talking about it all the time, my brother, I hear it on Internet, I see it in newspapers, I hear people talking about it in the stores…it’s everywhere I guess. So maybe it reached North Pole as well.

Since this year is so special, I decided to write you this letter with a wish list you could make it happen later when it will get warmer, cuz I’ve also heard about a phenomenon called global warming. Does it mean the same thing with global crisis? Or does global warming happen after global crisis? Will it be warmer after the crisis? Why is it globally? Where are you now on the globe? Where is North? Where am I now? I think I need some answers before you even make my wishes come true…

Maybe you need to know that I was nice this year, I didn’t give up, as I promised you…I did some good things but I also did some bad things which I’m sure you’re aware of because you’re Santa, you know everything, right? Right??? Anyway, I want to ask you something before even starting my wish list: Where will you be in 2012? I heard many things about this year…I know that before 2012 comes 2011 and we still have time for many things, I can even visit you if you’re not available next year either.

But I really want to know what’s going on in 2012. I’m sure you have a clue. Will you take the boat in 2012 if it’s getting that warm and the ice will melt? Or did I get it all wrong? Are we going to die???…some say we will. But I don’t believe them…I’m not even old to die. People die old, don’t they? How old are you, Santa? How long is your beard now?

My mom used to tell me a poem about how you would get angels spread all over the world to look up for children from windows. Is it all true? Where do you actually live? Is it heaven or North Pole? Is North Pole the heaven or is it like heaven? I never quite understood poems…maybe they’re just made to rhyme. Sometimes it makes no sense to me, Santa…You must be very old, I understand it’s hard for you to travel at such age…I can see my grandma who’s old, but she’s still able to tell stories like long time ago… Long time ago you used to wear a mask when you would come with your bag full of presents. My mom told me you were wearing it because you wanted to hide your age and the face full of wrinkles. But I saw you on TV, Santa, and you’re so cute and funny and you always drink Coca Cola, so why do you worry so much? I think next year I will be ready to see your face and find out your real age. How about that, Santa? I grew up and I grew stronger so I really want to see you under that mask. Can you make this wish come true for the next year? In the end, I think I’m left only with this wish and some answers you owe me, and probably to some other crazy grown-up children around the world.

With red nose, the front two teeth still there and snowflakes on my hat, I wave to you from far away.



P.S. Can you make it snow for Christmas Eve?