Travel is no longer a hobby

…it is a way of living. It has never been so easy and cheap to travel than it is today (and most definitely tomorrow).

People travel with every opportunity. It’s part of our lives. Some people travel all their lives. So it’s no longer a hobby. For the younger generation, it’s even more, it is a distinguished need in Maslow’s pyramid. It’s a social addiction. The Germans knew it.

Wanderlust = A German word for the irresistibly strong desire to travel or wander.

With travel comes new food, new sounds, new landscapes, new encounters (23% are keen to hang out with as many nationalities as possible while travelling compared to 8% who prefer to seek out other travelers from their own country)… Travel, as many would agree, turns people nostalgic, craving for their free self. Travel is a 360 degrees sense accomplisher.