What happened to poetry?

We see authors and bloggers emerging every day. There’s always something to write about and the news feeds are invaded with articles on how to write in simple words, quick to read, quick to digest, easy to understand. I read a post some days ago where the title said: Content without marketing is just content. And one of the rules of being “marketable” is to use catchy headlines, structure it, bullet it, clear and concise language. It’s true, it’s not easy.

My point is, where are the poets? How many people say “I read some poems this weekend” or “You should write some poetry!” or “Read some poetry!”

I remember in primary school, secondary school, high school, we were taught poems, how to recite, how to decipher a poem’s subtle meaning, what the author intended with that metaphor.

A poem is not gum-chewing. It is reading at slow pace — a lost technique in a world where they teach us about skimming and speed reading. A poem is not this post. A poem uses metaphors, adjectives, personifications, comparisons, layers of meanings and meanings. A poem requires a strong voice to berecited. More than anything, a poem requires depth. SOUL.

Everyone can be a writer. not everyone can be a poet.